The past year was a year of travel. Never have I kited in so many countries in a year. I’ve been on the road the whole autumn and also had a good kitesurf trip to Fuerteventura in spring. As for kiting on home turf UK, it had to take a back seat this summer and give priority to getting my Day-skipper licence.

Sailing is an awesome past-time activity. For me it’s the freedom and lifestyle of being on the water, rather than optimising the sail trim to gain another 0.5 knot. But imagine a cruise in the Meds around July. Bring the kites and sail from spot to spot. Now that’s living!
This year brings a lot of unknowns and hopefully pleasant surprises. What part kitesurfing will play in this life puzzle is hard to predict, but so far it’s had some pretty big impact on my life choices so I’m almost counting on it driving a couple of decisions.
Regardless of where we end up this year, certainly there will be time for a trip or two but I leave destinations open since I’m in one right now and rather stay mindful about the present than looking too much ahead. Life’s too good to miss out on in its present moment.
2018 hard facts:
Days on the water: 36
Most used kite: 10m Nitro by far, followed by 15m Element
Countries surfed: 7 (England, Spain, UAE, Brazil, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam)